
Birds gets ‘heat stressed’ when they have difficulty in achieving a balance between body heat production and body heat loss. When conditions mean the ‘upper critical temperature’ is exceeded, birds must lose heat actively by panting. Access to cool, fresh water, ventilation, and adjusted feed schedules can help provide relief to birds. 1. Keep track on feeding time   Most often,...

Stress is described as a set of physiological and behavioural changes elicited by aversive stimuli. Stress causes physical and chemical changes in animals or birds by affecting their body’s homeostatic balance. One of the important causes of stress in poultry or in swine is temperature. An increase in the ambient temperature (above 35° C) in...

Neem (Azadirachta indica), a member of the Meliaceae family, commonly found in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal, has therapeutics implication in diseases cure and formulation based on the fact that neem is also used to treat various diseases. Common name Neem, Indian lilac, Margosa, Nimtree [English]; Margousier, Margosier, Neem [French]; Nim, Margosa, Lila India [Spanish];...

India has a well-established system of medicine known as Ayurveda. Ayurveda utilizes plants, animal and minerals for the welfare of human beings. Since, Covid-19 outbreak use of plants and plant derived substances gained huge popularity as precautionary measure and it showed positive effect. It has been in use for thousands of years and has a...

With increasing outcry for injudicious use of antibiotics, development of antibiotic resistance and bans by some of the key feed markets, such as Europe, the US, and South Korea led to search of alternatives. In this long search phytogenics or phytobiotics is emerging as key solutions for conventional and antibiotic-free animal nutrition. An improvement in...