
Bhumi Amla Botanical name – Phyllanthus urinaria Linn. Family – Euphorbiaceae Common names – English – Chamber bitter Hindi – Bhooi Amla Sanskrit – Bhumyamlaki Parts used – Whole plant Distribution It grows mainly in tropical regions such as India, Sri Lanka, Indochina, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia and the United States. In the United States, it is...


When it comes to toxins that can harm poultry and livestock, first thing which comes into our mind is MYCOTOXINS, but there are various other toxins which are potential threat to livestock industry. One such hidden threat is ENDOTOXIN. Endotoxins are cosmopolitan in the environment. Be it in the air, the water, soil and also...


Did you ever observed greyish, yellowish or white-colored substances in your food during monsoon?? It means the food is contaminated with fungus. And if the fungus is the kind that produces mycotoxins, the food can even be poisonous. Food spoilage is accelerated during the monsoon as the air is more humid than usual. Fungus formation...

To elicit a well-functioning and healthy gut, the dynamic balance of gut ecosystem holds great importance. It’s well known that microbiome – the trillions of bacteria living in our gut can have a major impact on health and productivity. But, wide range of factors related to diets and infectious disease agents seem to affect this...

Gut health is crucial for the performance, health and welfare of poultry. It is important to maximize our profits and minimize loses. It is important for: Utilization of the feed efficiently and at optimum level Exploiting the genetic worth of livestock so that to have maximum production in the form of produce Achieving the optimal...