Organic HerbsAmla

August 12, 20210



Botanical name :-  Emblica officinalis

Family :-  Euphorbiaceae

Common names :-

English :- Indian gooseberry

Hindi :- Amla

Sanskrit :- Amlaki

 Parts Used :-  Fruit


A moderate-sized deciduous tree found throughout the deciduous forests of tropical India and on hill slopes up to 2000m.

It’s grown in the Indian Subcontinent, China, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Srilanka, Costa Rica & Reunion Island.

In India, the Amla tree is cultivated in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu.

Chemical constituents:-

Amla fruit is the second richest source of vitamin C

It contains high amounts of Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) and have bitter taste that may derive from a high density of Ellagitannins such as Emblicanin A, Emblicanin B, Punigluconin and Pendunculagin

It also contains polyphenols such as Flavonoids-Quercetin, Alkaloids (Phyllantine, Phyllantidine), Kaempferol, Ellagic acid and Gallic acid.


Anti-aging properties of Amla:-

Amla being a rich source of Vitamin C, is considered to be effective in slowing down the ageing process by it’s anti-oxidant property. Ageing is a cumulative result of damage to various cells and tissues, mainly by oxygen free radicals. Vitamin C is a scavenger of free radicals which breaks them down, it has an anti-oxidant synergism with vitamin E which prevents pre-oxidation of lipids.

The fruits of plants have been used in Ayurveda as a potent “Rasayana”. The Rasayanas are used to promote health and longevity by increasing defense against disease, arresting the aging process and revitalizing the body in debilitated conditions. The clinical efficacy of amla is referred to as a “Maharasayna” in Ayurveda.

Read Also: Benefits of Amla

Anticancerous properties of Amla:-

Amalaki has a number of properties that may be beneficial in the treatment and prevention of Cancer. According to the report, Amalaki may help fight cancer through several means, such as

reducing inflammation, boosting the immune system, and knocking out free radical.

Amla for eyes

Amla is rich in carotene content which is well known for its powerful effect on vision-related conditions. Amla is a great source of Vitamin C , which is not only important anti-oxidants for our body but also maintain the collagen in cornea, it helps to remove the free radicals which lower the risk of cataract and vision due to macular degeneration.

Amla contains high amount of vitamins which makes eye muscle stronger.

Amla as a hair tonic

Using the vitamin-C-rich Amla, cures dryness and prevents the accumulation of dandruff. It’s anti-inflammatory and anti- bacterial properties are very effective in stopping dandruff formation. By clearing the build-up of impurities from the scalp and restoring optimum pH levels of the scalp, Amla even helps in reducing the itchiness resulting from dandruff.

One of the biggest cause of premature greying of hair is the lack of proper nutrition, Amla helps in supplying the body with the necessary nutrients but also helps in their absorption.

Amla contains essential fatty acids that penetrate into the follicles making hair softer, shinier and voluminous. It also stimulates hair growth owing to its high iron and carotene content.

Amla treats hair loss effectively, it stimulates hair growth and improves the quality of hair.  It contains calcium which promotes healthier hair. It helps strengthen hair follicles and reduces hair thinning.

Amla in diabetes

Amla is an effective traditional remedy to prevent pancreatitis. Insulin, which is produced in pancreas, is important to keep blood sugar levels in check. However, when pancreas tends to become inflamed, it causes pancreatitis that my injure insulin- secreting cells and result in a spike in high blood sugar levels. Therefore amla is known to control pancreatitis and eventually manage blood sugar levels effectively.

Amla compromises chromium, a mineral that regulates carbohydrate metabolism and is said to make body more responsive to insulin, further keeping the blood sugar levels in check.

Amla is low in calories, which makes it great in managing the weight. Excessive calorie intake will cause weight gain, which could lead to insulin resistance and eventually difficulty in controlling diabetes. An ideal body weight helps control blood sugar levels better. Amla contains polyphenols that have properties, which are known to protect body from oxidative stress caused by high blood sugar.

Benefits of Amla for animals

Because of unique properties of Amla it is explored as a herbal feed additive to enhance the livestock and poultry production. The herbal feed supplement (feed additive) is a substance or mixture used in minor quantity other than basic feed in order to complement certain nutrients for improving performance of the animals and birds. Feeding of tannin rich diet induced a shift in rumen microbial profile with increased population of tannin tolerant bacteria

The phytochemicals act alone or a combination of the following potential mechanisms on animal system –

(i) Increased feed intake

(ii) Improved feed efficiency

(iii) Improved gut function leading to reduced incidence of digestive disturbances

(iv) Stimulation of digestion

(v) Methane inhibition

(vi) Immune modulation

(vii) Antioxidant

(viii) Antimicrobial effect

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